BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. – Epione Medical Corporation, a Beverly Hills-based, state-of-the-art laser and aesthetic surgery center, announced today that it has developed a combination treatment that may permanently reduce, and in most cases eliminate, the pigmentation condition known as melasma or pregnancy mask. Using Blue Light Therapy and Coolaser, both FDA-approved lasers exclusive to Epione, the center has treated more than 300 patients and achieved long lasting results.
Lasers/Skin Damage/Dark Circles
Laser Lip Treatment
Why do people get lip enhancement? Well, for a very basic reason: because our lips start to get thinner and smaller with age and they don’t seem to be where or how they should be. Yet, lip enhancement is as much popular in young people as it is in older ones. Luscious, pouty lips are the symbol of modern day beauty. Among all the other lip enhancement treatments, Laser Lip treatment is getting equally favorable among the celebrities as well other common people. Several other options for lip enhancement surgeries are also available but laser is safer, more reliable and it lasts much longer.
Skin Tightening using Laser
This is a great technique that can produce dramatic results. It reduces the look of fine lines, wrinkles and skin that is loose. The skin looks younger and smoother.
What is Psoriasis, Vitiligo, and Rosacea??
According to the Nation Institutes of Health Psoriasis is a chronic (long-lasting), non-contagious, skin disease of scaling and inflammation that affects greater than 3 percent of the United States population, or more than 5 million adults. There are five types of psoriasis of which plaque is the most common. Typical symptoms for plaque psoriasis include:
Coolaser the New Facelift
When looking in the mirror, most people’s eyes are immediately drawn to their facial flaws. This can be a constant source of insecurity. While wrinkles might give us character, they can also adversely emphasize our age. Coolaser is a non-surgical method to arrest the appearance of the aging process. The treatment is relatively quick and easy, especially compared to a traditional surgical facelift, resulting in healthier and smoother skin.